Hypopressive Technique / Low Pressure Fitness

Are you using your core properly? Perhaps Hypopressive Technique/ Low Pressure Fitness (LPF) could be the answer?

Hypopressive Technique was developed in Spain over 30 years ago as an effective tool in helping thousands of women recover from childbirth, addressing issues such as prolapses, pelvic floor dysfunction*, persistent lower back pain, and Diastasis Recti (separation of the tummy muscles).

Published research supports the efficacy of this technique which unlike regular core strengthening regimes, uses breath work, posture and low pressure in the abdominal cavity to repair and strengthen the core restoring good resting tone to the pelvic floor for both men and women.

But this technique is not just for those with prolapses. Many people, including some top athletes struggle to achieve a good activation of their pelvic floor and deep core stabilising muscles and this deficiency can often lead to overuse of the wrong muscles and possible injuries.

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So how does Hypopressive Technique work? In simple terms it aims to condition the diaphragm and increases good resting tone to the slow twitch postural muscles of the pelvic floor and abdominal cavity via s series of low-pressure exercises. You can learn more about Hypopressive Technique by downloading our Information Sheet below (which may also be useful to take along to your doctor for discussion).

I wanted to drop a note to thank you for all your help with some of the physical barriers related to my pelvic floor control. Since giving birth to my second child – both of which were long and laboured processes, I found it difficult to enjoy running due to pelvic floor control issues and used to panic !! It stopped me from running!
But with your help and instruction in Hypopressive Technique, I have now successfully completed a half marathon, an ultra 50kms this year plus the summit of a large mountain. Next year is a half marathon, another ultra and another big mountain !! I couldn’t have done it without your support and guidance and I encourage anyone with similar issues to seek help as there is a way of controlling things and moving forward.    GB – Lane Cove

Hypopressive Technique/Low Pressure Fitness is an effective tool in helping to address:

  • Prolapse / urinary urgency & incontinence.
  • Pelvic floor dysfunction / weak pelvic floor muscles*.
  • Diastasis recti, (separation of the tummy muscles)
  • Abdominal or vertebral herniations. (slipped discs).
  • Groin strain or Osteo pubis.
  • Breathing abnormalities.
Pilates Connection now offers private instruction in studio or via Zoom with qualified instructors in this unique and effective exercise methodology. As a qualified Practitioner of Structural Integration Liane is able to give advice on fascial releases to areas such as the diaphragm, which often assist clients to achieve the full benefits of the Hypopressive exercises.

Once you have better strength and control of your pelvic floor and deep core muscles it may be safe to progress onto Pre-Pilates and eventually more advanced exercises with our fully qualified and experienced team of Pilates Instructors.


* See study on Effectiveness of Hypopressive Exercises in Women with Pelvic Floor Dysfunction : A Randomised Controlled Trial (Beatriz Navarro-Brazález,1 Virginia Prieto-Gómez,1 David Prieto-Merino,1,2 Beatriz Sánchez-Sánchez,1,* Linda McLean,3 and María Torres-Lacomba1